The heavy construction concrete and stone/block industry is full of both hazardous materials, dust, silica and airborne particles due to the cutting and manipulation of these materials at the work site. There are also the hazards of operating the heavy equipment and dirt moving that are always present at the site of every project we undertake. Rosti Construction of Minnesota Inc. adheres to strict compliance of all OSHA regulations in order to assure safe and healthful working conditions for men and women at all times during the course of any given project we are tasked with. Rosti Construction of Minnesota Inc. employees and contractors attend safety training seminars and certification/educational sessions on a regular basis to insure the best processes are in place for the safest working conditions.
Key Components for Our Success:
OSHA 10 / OSHA 30 Training
Confined Spaces Training
Competent Persons Training
Flagging Training
Truck Driving Training
Company Safety Meeting
Weekly Tool-Box Talks
Job Site Specific Safety Training